
Photo by Donald Tong on Pexels.com

About the Cinephile

The first great film Josh ever watched was Casablanca, on the recommendation of his high shool history teacher Mr. Warden.
Since then, Josh has seen thousands of films.
He graduated from Grove City College in 2012 with a B.A. in History and enjoys watching movies through an historic lens.

During the 2020 pandemic, Josh and his wife, Katherine, watched every James Bond film in order (his favorite Bond is Connery) and, after working his way through Paul Schrader’s filmography, Josh explored the depths of David Lynch’s surreal body of work.

After a whirlwind fall (there was a wedding, honeymoon and big move), Josh is finally getting back into his movie-watching routine.

Films are watched, analyzed, discussed and explored here. Check back every couple weeks for a new analysis. And, if you feel so moved, feel free to watch Lynch’s movies in the order of their release and start a discussion on the posts!